Evergreene Venue Wedding DJ for Liz and Ian

Evergreene Venue Wedding DJ for Liz and Ian
Moments & Memories Welcome to the Family

Welcome Liz & Ian to the M&M Family! πŸŽΆπŸ’ Despite Ian not being able to attend our first meeting in person, our high-tech conferencing made it feel like he was right there with us. We are beyond excited for your magical day at Evergreene Venue this August. πŸŽ‰πŸ’«

Call us and experience the M&M Difference!
Call: 610-563-2805

#MMWeddingsPA #DJ #WeddingDJ #Entertainment #Wedding #LehighValley #LVWeddings #Married #MasterOfCeremonies #EventDJ #Reception #WelcometotheFamily #MMFamily #AugustWedding #EvergreeneVenue
welcome to the family liz and ian
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