Our ceremony site is outside and at the last minute it was decided that the ceremony would be inside due to weather. Don was very flexible in this scenario and was willing to provide music at the outside ceremony site even though it was raining.
Don and his co-worker were very professional and helpful. The night was filled with great music and fun. I highly recommend them for your next wedding.
Allison & Jordan are now married… And they shared their first dance as husband and wife at The Barn at Walnut Grove
Wedding Day for Allison & Jordan at The Barn at Walnut Grove
#tbt to Allison & Jordan’s Private Last Dance at The Barn at Walnut Grove
Wedding Planning is Complete for Allison & Jordan
Lenhartsville Gallery
Get a quote for DJ Services at Lenhartsville
DISCLAIMER: Moments & Memories is a wedding DJ service based out of Bethlehem PA, and is not affiliated with Lenhartsville.
Moments & Memories is a wedding vendor and Lenhartsville is one of our preferred venues.
You will be requesting a quote for services from Moments & Memories, if you would like a quote for pricing to rent Lenhartsville as your wedding venue, then you will need to contact them directly.