David and Amanda’s Wedding Recap of their April 2024 Celebration at Glasbern

David and Amanda’s Wedding Recap of their April 2024 Celebration at Glasbern
Wedding Recap

We want to extend our sincerest gratitude to David and Amanda for choosing Moments & Memories to be part of their magical wedding day! 🎉 Collaborating with Littlewing Studio Photography and the Glasbern was an incredible experience, and we’re so grateful for the opportunity to help create lasting memories. Check out the wedding recap video capturing the essence of their beautiful celebration! 🎥💫

Contact us today to experience the M&M Difference for your Glasbern Wedding!
Call: 610-563-2805

#MMWeddingsPA #DJ #WeddingDJ #Entertainment #Wedding #LehighValley #LVWeddings #Married #MasterOfCeremonies #EventDJ #Reception #RecapVideo #ThankYou #Recap #GlasbernInn #LittlewingPhoto

At Venue: Glasbern

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